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Creating web elements and web element lists


An SppElement can be created by calling the element() function. The SppElement is used when interacting with the browser or mobile device.

To identify the element the [By] selector is passed to the element() function.

See section By for using the By selector



name parameter description
.called() element: SppElement Give the element a name. When the element cant be found the name is printed, it makes it easier to identify the error
.shallWait() condition: UntilElementCondition wait for the condition to be met, before trying to interact with the element
.shallNotImplicitlyWait() none do not wait for an element if implicit wait is activated
.element() locator: By search for an element from this element in the DOM
.all() locator: by search for all elements from this element in the dom


Create a SppElement

const mySearchElement = element(By.css(`.googlesSerachField`))

Create an SppElement and give it a name.

const mySearchElement = element(By.css(`.googlesSerachField`))
    .called(`The name of the element`)

Create an SppElement and wait until the status is met before interacting with the element.

const mySearchElement = element(By.css(`.googlesSerachField`))
    .called(`The name of the element`)

Chain the element locators.

const mySearchElement = element(By.css(`.googlesSearchArea`))
    .called(`The name of the element`)



By element selector

The By element selector specifies which selector shall be used to find an element.




name parameter description
.css()* locator: string returns the element found by css selector
.xpath()* locator: string returns the element found by xpath selector
.cssContainingText()* locator: string, containingText: string returns the element found by css selector containing the given text
.accessibilityId()* locator: string appium only: returns an element found by accessibility selector


import {element, By} from "thekla"

const myFirstDropDownItem = element(By.cssContainingText("#myDropDownId option", "My Drop Down first Item Text"));